Monday 3 February 2014

Natural ways of reducing hair loss, 7 natural tips for reducing hair loss and regrowth

Have you got hair loss problem? You may have tried a lot of hair loss treatment to prevent the hair loss, but all of those failed. You want to do your best to reduce hair loss.
hair on comb
But how? Where to start? How to start? What products to use? and will they even work?
All these questions and so many will come up..

First thing you can do is .. relax and take a deep breath :)

In this article I will help You to answer those questions.. since I have tried all those techniques and got the positive results. So I thought of sharing them with You guys. 

Here are some easy tips which you can follow at home and you will be surprised to see how effective they are to prevent hair loss.

1.Oil treatment:
Take any natural oil - Coconut, Indulekha bringha hair oil, olive.. heat the oil. Best way is, keep the bottle under the sun and make it lukewarm.. not too hot. After that, apply that on your hair. Massage it gently on your scalp. Leave the oil for an hour or two, then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Try some shampoos which are sulfate and alcohol free.. Because it dries out your hair and causes hair loss.

2.Take natural Fluids/Juice: 
Take lots of fluids. By fluids i mean juice like orange or apple, lemon etc anything organic. Drink reasonable amount of water in a day to keep your body hydrated. Because it also helps your hair to be soft and shiny. Eat fruits.. an apple or orange a day.

3.Green tea: 
Drink green tea, cos it has the antioxidants which prevents hair loss and its increases hair growth. You can also apply lukewarm green tea (2 bags prepared in a cup of water) on your head just like the oil treatment and leave it on your scalp for 1 hour or so. Then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

massaging scalp with fingers Massage your head with your fingers regularly. It increases blood circulation on your scalp and helps your hair follicles. For best results sit on a chair or lie down on the bed. Relax your shoulders and breath slowly while running your fingers on your scalp from front to back. Do it for 2-3 minutes 1-2 times a day. Trust me, you will feel it how it relaxes, not only your scalp but also your whole body and mind.. 


Do regular exercise. You don't have to be a gym rat for that. Just go for a walk or jogging. It will freshen up your body and mind. A healthy body and mind means healthy hair.


In this fast track world, you need to compete in this rat race everyday to keep yourself on the track. Which means more stress and anxiety.
Stress and anxiety can be the cause of hair loss. You need to loosen up your mind. Make a knack of meditating for 5-10 minutes a day.. more the merrier :-) Not only it will help you with the stress and anxiety but also you will feel mentally and physically sharper. Healthy yourself.. healthy your hair...

7.Reflexology Therapy/Balayam:
Balayam is an alternative reflexology therapy or hair loss treatment for hair growth which involves rubbing identical fingernails together. According to Yoga guru Ramdev, balayam or rubbing your fingernails at least 5-10 minutes a day reduces hair loss and can make your hair grow again.

rubbing finger nailsAlthough, it has its fair share of critics whether this technique actually works or not. But trust me it is working for me, although it takes time. You have to do it for 3-6 months regularly to see positive results (you are suppose to rub all your fingers beside the thumbs, because rubbing thumbs may cause growth of facial hair lol). If you want to learn more about yoga and how it helps reducing hair loss, try this book Yoga for Hair Growth by Kristin Russel.

Well, there are many reports of the effectiveness of this balayam technique, but there are also hefty amount of people who don't believe in it. Since it doesn't have any side effects beside the growth of facial hair if you rub your thumbs ;-), you don't have anything to lose. Why not give it a try.